Thursday, February 24, 2011

Anders Zorn house

Last Friday, we went to the Anders Zorn museum in downtown Mora. We got to spend some time in his house and then go over to the art gallery and see his works.
Some fun facts about Anders Zorn:
- famous Swedish painter from Mora
- born in Mora on Febuary 18 (Yes, we went to his house on his birthday- this wasn't an accident)
- Some of his portraits of the presidents can be seen at the White House.

The house is beautiful- I asked the tour guide when I could move in. The house was considered to be quite modern for the time and there was even two kitchens. We were also told that while Anders and his wife employed an extensive staff of housekeepers, they treated them very well. Servants were given health care and were even encouraged to go to school while they were employed. Every room was a different color and everything was so open and bright. I have also decided, after learning a little bit about her, that Anders' wife, Emma and I would be friends. She loved to travel and be social and had a special love of languages. The house remains much like it was at the time that Anders and Emma lived there. Normally, photography is not allowed inside the house. However, because it was his birthday, they made an exception.

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