Saturday, February 5, 2011

The 406th Jokkmokk Winter Market

The event we have been eagerly anticipating has arrived. This year's market marks the 406th annual market. We are told that this is the biggest event to occur in the entire sub arctic all year. The other night, when some of us were sitting and talking, a man from Stockholm turned around and said that he and his friends had a bet going on where we were from. Some guessed Canada while others thought perhaps Italy. (not really sure how that one could happen...) After we told him we were from the states, he explained to us that the market is even considered quite exotic for the Swedes. Apparently close to 70,000 people are in town at one point or another. It's easy to see how the town makes its entire revenue on these 3 days alone.

There are so many events that are part of the market. We have been to reindeer races, lectures, movies, eaten lots of food, and of course have walked through the extensive market many many times. In addition to the traditional Sami handicrafts, one can also find random crap which seems to be present at any fair. (example- I Heart New York shirts???...) Last night, several of us attended a fashion show/ variety show with the musical "Grease" as the theme. It was quite entertaining to say the least. It is possible that the classic, "Summer Lovin'" may have been changed to "Sami Lovin'" but we couldn't be sure.

It's so interesting to be in a fair setting like this in the winter time when I am accustomed to attending them in the summer. As a result, we need to take frequent "warm up" breaks since the previous unnatural warmer temperatures are dropping again. The last two nights we have attended the "jojk battles." (Traditional Sami singing.) It's so interesting and a little strange to see such a traditional piece of culture emerge into a mainstream setting.

On Monday we travel even more north to Giron (Sami) or Kiruna in Swedish. We will be there for just two days before coming back to Jokkmokk until Friday. Then it's off to Möra!

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