Thursday, February 17, 2011

Mora Mora Mora

I find myself getting more and more settled in Mora. The building the girls were to live in is now finished so we have moved out of our dorm rooms and are now in a large room with many beds- I'm happy to report it's just like camp! There is something so cozy about being in a bunk bed! The common area is fantastic and there is even a dishwasher in the kitchen! Class continues to be quite engaging and interesting. In addition to continuing our Swedish and Nordic Politics classes, we have also began our Nobel Literature class with Eric. We are currently reading Selma Lagerlöf's "Jerusalem" and I for one, am really enjoying it. We continue to enjoy exploring the school and the town. It turns out that the old water tower has been converted to a rock climbing wall. Shocker I am not so good at it and my muscles are now slightly irritated with me for going, but it's a lot of fun and I'm sure we will be there several more times. And of course, there is always the sauna, which is superior to the one in Jokkmokk.

5 weeks ago today we were gathering in Minneapolis to begin orientation. I remember looking around the conference room nervously wondering what this would be like now that it was actually happening. I was worried about the group dynamic and worried that I would hate the next 5 months. I'm happy to report that (so far) I could not have been more wrong. We have become a family and we get tighter and more in sync all the time. On the one hand I can not believe that it has been 5 weeks, but on the other hand I feel like I have been here so much longer. I can not wait to see what the else is in store for us.

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