Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day From Mora!

Yesterday we began classes. We had Scandinavian Politics with Lennart, a former member of the Swedish Parliament and Swedish class with Anna. I was quite pleased to discover that I understood most of what was happening and the first class was a good review. Today we have four hours of Scandinavian Politics. I don't know if I have mentioned much about our living arrangements. The boys are lucky enough to live in a villa about 15 minutes away from campus. It is straight from the 70s, is decorated in frilly pink things and all that is missing seems to be about ten cats. The girls are in dorms at the school. I have my own room which hasn't happened in a while and I don't seem to know what to do with the space. I spent a little time exploring the town yesterday. The city reminds me of UmeƄ in terms of size and layout.

As yesterday was Valentine's Day, we decided to have a valentine's party- of course at the boy's pink house! Since there are 6 boys and 6 girls we had dates. A delightful evening of games and socializing.

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