Sunday, March 27, 2011

Moving Some More

It's snowing a little bit outside of my porthole. I went out for some fresh air and to take in the incredible view and was greeted with wet spitting snow. (Thanks for sending it, Minnesota...) I have been doing some writing tonight. I'm sitting on my bunk with the News from Lake Wobegon playing out of my computer speakers. Life feels good. Today was another good day. A few of us went back to the cathedral for a church service in the cathedral. It was beautiful. I was so impressed with how welcoming the church and the pastor was. When it came time, she instructed the congregation to say the Lord's Prayer in their own language. It was so fascinating to listen to so many languages echo through the impressive space. As one little boy in the choir passed up and down the aisle, he waved each time he saw his family. I was reminded of another little kid who often got in trouble for being more content to wave and smile at her parents than look at the Cherub Choir director....

After church we met the rest of the group for fika at yet another cafe. We did some window shopping at the posh Stockholm, NK, where the cheapest thing we found was a $15 pair of socks. Still, it was fun to dream. Shockingly I feel pretty deeply in love with a $600 dress...

After, Anthony and I went up to the hill to the Modern Art Museum. Even for someone who sometimes struggles with Modern Art, I really enjoyed it and got to feel all artsy for an afternoon. The exhibit of photography was well worth the entrance fee in itself.

Cassandra's family was here for the weekend and tonight some of us went out to dinner with them. How nice it was to be with a more traditional type of family than the one we have become. Tomorrow we go to Vattenfall, one of Sweden's largest power companies for a tour.

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