Friday, March 4, 2011

Dala Horses!...and a little adventure

Today we ventured 10 kilometers outside of Mora to see the Dala Horse Factory. We learned that the Dala horses has been a toy for children for hundreds of years. All of the horses are made out of pine from the area. Hundreds of thousands of horses are made each year and about 65% of the horses are red. We could see the horses being dipped in the dye and then we got to watch them get hand painted. It was so beautiful!

And then, we weren't standing right at the bus stop, so we missed it. We then began the ten km trek back to town. The first half was really cool. The sun was shining and gorgeous and it was so warm. We got to see a part of the countryside that we hadn't seen before. I felt more connected to Mora than I think I had before. Once we started to get out of the countryside, however, I was slightly less enthused about our situation. "Spring" in Sweden is quite similar to "spring" in Minnesota. aka lots of slush and puddles. I was not planning on walking 10 kms so naturally I wore suede, flat shoes. Let's just say that with all the water, my feet have been (hopefully) temporarily dyed black. And then, we got into the town and we saw a glowing beacon of golden light- literally. It was the McDonald's arches. After not eating all afternoon, and walking so long, I don't think McDonald's will ever taste so good as it did today. I have a feeling today's events will be a day I will remember for a long time when I think about my incredible time in Sweden and the people I shared it with whom I have grown to love so much in such a short time.


  1. Multicultural feet you have after a feat you may be remembering and "seeing" for a long time. And just imagine all the stories -- in different versions -- you can tell people. Will they believe you? Maybe. Can you make them see what you saw? No, but that's not important. Keep using your feet and thinking on them, Karla.

  2. Thanks Roland! Wish you could still be here! :)
