Saturday, March 19, 2011

And then the Theatre Kid Learned about Science....

We have now been in Uppsala for about a week now. We are staying at a hostel which is a 20 minute bus ride outside of the city. We attend our Science class (taught by Daniel Lundberg, another former Gustie) at the agricultural university. We are fairly removed and have about a 20 minute walk to and back from class.

In reference to the title, I do not do science. (See pictture....) A lot of what we are doing is some basic chemistry review which I have not done in about 4 years. Our "lab" time, however, is the best I have ever had. For fifteen minutes, we get to eat different things and determine (with graphs of course) whose taste is the most Swedish. So far we have experimented with caviar, cheese, herring, jam and salty black licorice. (I have some great pictures of people eating the last one, but in order to preserve their personal dignity, I will refrain from posting them.)

We have also played innebandy together. The closest alternative I can think of in the states would be indoor floor hockey. Many of you probably know of my incredibly limited athletic ability. Well, I scored a goal. Yes, I know, pretty impressive. Some of us also joined a soccer tournament this morning. Placed against established, talented teams, we were clearly the underdog. Everyone maintained fantastic spirits throughout however. On the (rare) occasions when our team did score a goal, all of the spectators cheered loudly and music was played. We even did the Gustie rouser.

Tomorrow we will go into Old Uppsala for a tour of the city.

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