Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Love For Old Things, Really Old Things

I love old things. Today we woke up to catch the bus into the city and were greeted by beautiful sunshine and warm weather. What a perfect day this was going to be to explore the city. We went to brunch at one of the student unions (where there were even waffles!) and then we boarded the bus to Old Uppsala. We first went to a museum where we got to look at ancient burial grounds which are pre Viking era. There is no way of absolutely determining who exactly is buried in these mounds. It was first believed that it was the gods Odin, Thor and Frey but it is likely we can rule out this is not the case. Instead, the best guess of archeologists is that the three first kings of Sweden are buried here. We got to see the artifacts which were found when the tomb was excavated, including jewelry and weapons. We spent some time exploring the old church and graveyard. And, of course, we had to take a picture in the Viking boat.

Uppsala is such a great historic city. Walking through the city got to see the house of Carl Linne, who the Gustavus arboretum is named for. The Uppsala cathedral is also fascinating and breathtaking. I walked in and instantly knew that no photograph could ever do justice to what I was looking at. Inside there is even the tomb of Gustav Vasa. There is also a plaque on the wall listing all of the archbishops- it's quite a site to look and see that first name dates back to about 1100.

After our time in Old Uppsala, we continued to explore the city and find yet another place for coffee.


  1. Yes, coffee shops...did you to Ofvandahls?

  2. Yes we did! After you posted your comment Cassandra, Janella and I looked it up on the map. It was so fantastic- thanks! There are pictures on facebook!
