Saturday, April 9, 2011

Time to Head Back!

London has been great, but it is time to go "home." It is interesting that whenever people asked me where I was from during Spring Break, I would say the US but I would have to qualify that by explaining that I was actually studying in Sweden. So- the way of Sweden. Coming from Sweden, London feels very much like the US, and it was so odd to have everything in English again. Well, almost everything. Today I saw an incredible production of Shakespeare's "The Tempest" performed by a Russian theatre company so it was in Russian. It might be my favorite of the shows I saw here.

I am so excited to join the rest of the group tomorrow and hear about the adventures they all undoubtedly had over break. I am also so excited to be in one place for 5 weeks and I will actually be able to unpack my suitcase.

London was pretty great. The weather was incredible. I even got my first sunburn of the season which I was so proud of. Yesterday the three of us sat in the sunshine in Hyde Park for about an hour and a half and it felt so fantastic. It's a shame that the air will likely be slightly cooler in a matter of hours. Our flight leaves Heathrow at 7 am but the tube stops running at midnight so yes, you guessed it, we're waiting at the airport. At least I have a book and an ipod right?

Some other things we have done: Buckingham Palace, Hyde Park, St. Paul's Cathedral, Camden Town and the Camden Market. (Sadly Bob Cratchit of A Christmas Carol was not there to greet us...) We also saw Chicago on West End and loved it. Much fish n' chips have also of course been had.

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