Thursday, April 21, 2011

More Time In Jönköping

Spring has finally arrived in Sweden! Everyday I see more and more wildflowers and I am increasingly able to go outside without a sweater. I am also no longer wearing socks which is always my marker of fast approaching summer. I have had some more time to explore the city and I am quite content. It feels so much more manageable and easy to navigate than Stockholm or London. Something else that's fun is that my parents are here!! They got in on Tuesday afternoon and left this evening to go back to Stockholm to be tourists for a few days. Though it was a little strange to go into restaurants and speak English right from the beginning, I absolutely loved having them here. My biological family got to mix with the one we have created over these last months.

We are here by ourselves for the week since the other students have time off for Easter. We are of course still having class, which continues to be quite engaging and so interesting. Yesterday we took a break in the afternoon and went to a sheep farm. Two of the teachers at the school own this farm and they were worried we might be bored during our time here. We had so much fun! After a lovely tour and lots of adorable baby lambs, we went inside where the most incredible meal was prepared for us. We were told by our host that she spent much time abroad and many people invited her into their homes. Doing the same for us is her way of repaying them. We were told we must now do the same thing when we encounter travelers in our futures.

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