Thursday, April 7, 2011

Spring Break!

Well I am in London! The weather is absolutely gorgeous and not at all the dreary typical London weather I expected. Yesterday I got much too warm walking around in a t - shirt! On Tuesday night after we arrived Janella and I rushed a production of "The Blood Brothers" which is fitting as it takes place in London. The show was absolutely incredible and we had pretty great seats for rush tickets.

Yesterday we set off for the tower of London and the major sites. We saw Tower Bridge, Big Ben, The Tower and spent several hours at Westminster Abbey. I saw another familiar face! As I was walking around the cathedral that is so beautiful I have no words, I saw my parents' dear friend from Gustavus, Ruth Johnson! It was so exciting to see her and I eagerly filled her in on my adventures to date. I am constantly surprised with how very small the world seems to be.

Last night Janella and I were lucky enough to snag tickets to "The Children's Hour" starring Keria Knightley. I have seen a lot of theater, but this is certainly one of the most powerful productions I have ever seen. It was so beautifully executed. If nothing else goes well on this trip (which I highly doubt) at least I got to see that show.

Today Sonja joined us at the hostel after spending the last two days with her friend who is studying here. I am sitting in the hostel lobby waiting for her to shower after her trek across town, moving her luggage through the vast subway system. Today's schedule?: It's looking like the Globe Theatre, Buckingham palace, St. James park and I imagine much more!

Love to everyone!

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