Monday, January 24, 2011

Quiet Time in Jokkmokk

Being in beautiful, quiet Jokkmokk makes me begin to realize more and more that this is not a vacation and I will really be living here for the next several months. It's a nice feeling. During the day we listen to lectures about the Sami from instructors at the school and we finish at about 3. Afterward, we usually go in to town and come back to cook dinner together. The busy kitchen is always warm and inviting and makes us feel at home. More kitchen showers have been had and we can be found in the sauna every evening. (Yes, we do the full sauna experience and jump in to the show when we can no longer stand the feels so refreshing.)

Another favorite thing we are discovering about Sweden is the wall of "Godies" which can be found at every grocery store. Our program leader, Eric, worries that he may be bringing us home in diabetic comas, but we maintain that they will at least be happy diabetic comas.

We are able to feel a certain anticipation building for the Jokkmokk winter market which begins this weekend. We are told that about 70,000 people from all over the world will fill this town and people are already starting to pour into our living quarters. We are so excited. We are meeting new people all the time and are constantly learning so much.

I am constantly reminded of what a great opportunity this is. This group of people is truly extraordinary and we become more and more of a family every day. I have not laughed so much in a long while, and that's certainly saying something as I laugh a very great deal. We are living, learning, and experiencing all of this together. Who could ask for more? I am even starting to get used to the fact that it is dark by 3 pm. I even find it somewhat cozy.

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