Wednesday, January 26, 2011

More Reindeer Games

Yesterday we had another great day with reindeer. We met Nils- Gustav Blind, a Jokkmokk native and Sami reindeer herder. We walked over to the other dorm where we were greeted with Nils- Gustav, complete with pure white reindeer in hand. Apparently this was one of the calmer reindeer, however you could have fooled me on that one. When the reins were handed over to our fearless leader, Eric, he subsequently ended up in a snow bank. We walked about a kilometer into the woods where we were invited to either sit in the sleigh and have the reindeer pull us or to lead the animal around the path. After seeing the reindeer snow bank incident, I was not brave enough to do anything besides sit back in the sleigh and let my friend Nate lead me around. Thankfully, the ride was peaceful and the reindeer seemed to be quite contented having evidently released his aggression on Eric.

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