Thursday, May 26, 2011


Before I go on analyzing my return and adjustment to the good old U S of A, let me go into a little detail of our last days in Sweden. Our last night in Sweden was marked with our first sampling of Surströmming, or rotten fish. (to learn more: Upon opening the can, outdoors of course, we quickly realized how this has been said to be the most putrid smell in the world. Needing to sample everything once, it was quickly realized that it tastes like it smells and some of us couldn't handle it. It certainly made for a memorable last night. We of course also frequented the sauna and probably sat in it too long in order to soak up the atmosphere of what was a popular hangout in every juncture of the adventure.

We had a great last day in Stockholm. Cassandra, Anthony and I bought subway passes and set out in search of the places that had become our favorite haunts just 6 weeks before. We purchased a large container of fresh strawberries from a street vendor and set out on a lovely stroll, ending up at our favorite crepe restaurant.

Our last night was spent in the Jumbo Stay hostel near the airport. It's a converted airplane and was so great. Though the rooms were small, the bathrooms and showers were some of the best experienced on the trip and the bed was the comfiest I slept on in five months. It's not hard to see how Sonja and I could oversleep until 25 minutes before we needed to be at the terminal...

The flight went smoothly, but then again I stand firmly by the notion that coming back is much easier than going. In order to lose some weight in my suitcase, I was forced to wear several layers including my winter boots from way up in Jokkmokk and Umeå. My mother walked in the airport, took one look at me and couldn't walk any longer from laughing so hard. Thanks Mom, so nice to see you too.

After stepping foot on American soil, I decided that I needed fika. (of course.) We stopped at the nearest Caribou for cold press coffee and oatmeal. After stopping at home for a shower, I decided that I needed real, American pizza. No offense Sweden, but you're missing something here. We went to Old Chicago, my favorite, and I was in heaven.

The next day my best friend Jayna and I went for pedicures as I apologized to the poor woman assigned to my feet. Walking several miles a day for 5 months really takes a toll. The day was made complete with trips to my favorite American institutions, Target and Starbucks. I didn't think life could get much better. It was just starting. I thought that Jayna and I were going to meet my mom at the Wishin' Well cafe in Paynesville. I walked in and as I approached the back, I saw a huge banner with "Welcome Home, Karla" with about fifteen of my friends from high school sitting around the tables. Also present were my parents and my mom's best friends who are practically family. Not thinking life could possibly be any better, I heard some clapping and from the back room emerged four of my best friends from GAC: Ethan, Dan, Rachel and Julia. How wonderful that my worlds could collide. Never mind the fact that the Gusties had finals the next morning. Apparently it was supposed to be a dress up party where people should look through my pictures and dress like one of them. Jayna was the only one who followed her directions and dressed up as, what else, a wall of godies.

Yesterday marked the one week anniversary of my return to Sweden. So far, coming home has not been as difficult as I thought it would be. I do miss the group, but it's great to not be living out of a suitcase and moving every few weeks. When I got home and saw my closet, I was so excited, and I tend to overdress for everything as I'm so excited to have so many clothes to choose from. In fact, in those first few days, I may have even done several wardrobe changes each day...

I got the chance to make a trip up another big hill last weekend. This time in St. Peter and not in Jönköping. However, I promise that that dreaded Jönköping hill was at the forefront of my mind as I made that drive up and felt a pang of homesickness. The weekend was great and I saw some wonderful people that I missed so much.

Life moves along as fast as ever. Being home feels comfortable and easy- much like how I feel when I come home after a year at GAG, happy to have a big bed and my own bathroom. But to be honest, I'm tentatively anticipating the day where I miss my semester in Sweden so much that I can't stand it. For now though, I'm content. I'm directing a production of "The Fantasticks" this summer and had auditions this week. Throwing myself into another project has a distracting effect, I think. If you happen to be in the area the first week of August, come check out the show- I have a fantastic cast that I can't wait to work with after not being involved in a production in 5 months.

Perhaps not so shockingly my suitcase is sitting, unpacked, at the foot of my bed. I have been taking things out as I need them but no real putting away has happened. The last of the photos have been uploaded from camera to computer and put on facebook. It was a strange realization to understand that I was tagging Sonja, Jen, Maddie, Janella, Cassandra, Nate, Anthony, Tyler, Ben, Steve and Rob for the last time in these pictures. I have no idea what to say to people when I get asked the million dollar question, "so, how was Sweden?!" How do I sum up the best five months of my life in a simple answer? I'll let you know if I find out how....

For now, though, here are a few last pictures of my last days in Sweden, and my return home. Thank you to everyone who has followed my blog as I traveled through the country that became my home and will surely be returning to in the near future. It's such an incredible feeling to know I have people back home who care so much. So, until my next adventure and next blog, vi ses! (see you later!)

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